Congratulations on your pregnancy! As you prepare to welcome your new baby, you’re probably thinking about how to capture these early moments that, though fleeting, are incredibly precious. One of the most cherished ways to preserve these memories is through newborn photography. But when is the best time to schedule these photos? Let’s dive into why the first two weeks of your baby’s life are the golden window for capturing those adorable, sleepy newborn poses and how you can prepare for a smooth and successful photo session.

Why the First Two Weeks?

Newborns change incredibly fast. What many parents don’t realize is just how quickly those initial days pass by. During the first two weeks, babies spend most of their time sleeping and are usually quite “curled up” and pliable, mimicking how they were positioned in the womb. This makes it the perfect time to capture those sweet, serene images that define newborn photography.

During this time, newborns also tend to have a more predictable sleep schedule, allowing photographers to easily work around their slumber to pose them gently without much disturbance. Furthermore, feeding and comforting techniques tend to be more effective if your baby does wake up, making it easier to keep the atmosphere calm and the session flowing smoothly.

Newborn in studio photography session New Hampshire

Preparing for Your Session

Preparing for a newborn shoot doesn’t have to be stressful. Here are some tips to ensure that everything goes as smoothly as possible:

  1. Timing is everything: Schedule your photography session at your 20 week ultrasound. It’s ideal to discuss the timing with me during your pregnancy to ensure I have availability around your due date.
  2. Feed before the session: A well-fed baby is a happy baby. Try to feed your baby right before the session to help ensure they are sleepy and content. You can top up your baby when you get to my studio. Of course, sessions are totally baby-led, meaning if we need to stop for a feed or change, that’s exactly what we do.
  3. Keep it warm: Babies are used to a warm environment in the womb, so keeping the photo session area warm will help your newborn stay comfortable and relaxed when undressed. Newborns also are not very good at regulating their own body temperature. I keep my studio very warm during sessions so you may want to dress yourself in layers!
  4. Gentle sounds: Soft, soothing background music or white noise can help keep your baby calm during the session. I use a heartbeat noice machine during sessions.
  5. Simple clothing: Choose simple, easy-to-remove clothing for your baby to wear to the session. This makes it easy to change outfits without disturbing them too much. I have a huge selection of wraps and props to choose from for use during your session, designed especially for newborns.
  6. Relax: Perhaps the most important tip is to stay calm and relaxed yourself. Babies can often pick up on their parents’ anxiety or stress.

Newborn in studio photography session New Hampshire
Newborn in studio photography session New Hampshire
Newborn in studio photography session New Hampshire

Newborn photography is not just about creating art; it’s about capturing the essence of your baby’s first days in a way that will be treasured for a lifetime. By scheduling the session in the first two weeks, you can capture the most iconic images of newborn innocence while ensuring that the experience is pleasant and memorable for both you and your baby.

Remember, these photos are more than just pictures—they are a beautiful reminder of the magical time when your child was first welcomed into the world. So, breathe easy, prepare simply, and look forward to a beautiful experience capturing the moment that will be looked back on for years to come.